Dr. KRISTINA ZAKHARY MD, MSc, FRCSC: Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgeon with a special focus in Facial Cosmetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

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Questions and answers to help you make a decision.

Facelift Surgery is often performed on men and women who are 40 to 60 years old, but it can also be performed on people in their 70s and 80s, if they are healthy enough. You should not wait until there is a lot of facial sagging and aging before considering Face lift surgery.

As you age, your face will sag, and you will develop a loose facial tissue, Jowls, and “turkey” neck. A facelift surgery can correct these signs of aging to help you look younger.

Other aging changes include, sagging low eyebrows, droopy eyelids, thinning lips, which all act together to make you look tired or sad. Other facial plastic surgery procedures will help with these signs of aging.

These aging changes can start to happen in your 40’s and 50’s, but the rate and effects of aging differ among different people. Aging is also affected and sped up by sun exposure, genetic factors, stress levels, significant weight loss, and lifestyle habits (such as amount of sleep, smoking and alcohol use).

You are a good candidate for Facelift Surgery if:

  • You have realistic expectations and goals for your facelift surgery
  • You are emotionally and physically healthy. Some medical conditions, like a tendency to scar excessively, blood clotting issues, high blood pressure, etc, can increase your risks with facelift surgery. Discuss these issues with your facial plastic surgeon.
  • You are a Non smoker
  • You are ready and willing to follow your surgeon’s advice for before and after surgery care. This advice is designed to help you to have a safe and good recovery.

If you plan to lose 20 pounds or more, please discuss this with your cosmetic surgeon prior to scheduling your facelift surgery.

If you have short hair, you may consider letting you hair grow longer, or purchasing a wig, to hide your incisions in the initial healing stage (first 4-6 weeks) after facelift surgery.

You will be “socially acceptable” after 2 to 3 weeks following your face lift surgery.

Your stitches will be removed one week after your facelift surgery; and your bandages will be removed 2 weeks after your surgery. You will have some bruising and swelling around your ears and cheeks, which will start to resolve 2 to 3 weeks following your facelift surgery, and then you will be able to return to your normal daily activities after this time.

It can take 4 to 6 weeks before the majority of the swelling heals and any irregularities in front of your ears (from the sutures that are holding up the repositioned facial tissues) to smoothen out. Healing does take time, and you will start to see the final result of your facelift surgery around 4 to 6 months after your surgery.

You can restart your normal exercise routine 3 to 4 weeks following your facelift surgery.

You should avoid heavy exercise and weight training for 3-4 weeks after your face lift surgery in order to reduce your risk of bleeding, hematoma, and to allow your body to recover from swelling after surgery. After this 3 – 4 week recovery period, you can slowly resume your normal exercise routine.

Facelift surgery could make you look 5-10 years younger. That means you could always look 5-10 years younger, even though the aging process continues.

In other words, surgery will not stop normal aging, but you will always look naturally younger after your facelift surgery.

Remember that Face lift surgery will lift and tighten your cheeks, jaw line and neck. You may need to consider small maintenance procedures, such as Botox injections, Filler injections or medical skin therapy to improve other issues, such as wrinkles, thin lips, sagging brows or sagging eyelids. Other procedures will help to keep your facial features in beautiful harmony with your younger looking cheeks, jaw line and neck.

As with every surgery, Facelift surgery has some possible, uncommon complications. The percentage of having a complication following Face lift surgery is usually very low. These can include: Bleeding, Infection, Bad scar healing, Asymmetry, Cheek and ear numbness, Muscle or nerve weakness, Skin necrosis, Allergic reactions, etc.

Your facial plastic surgeon will personally follow up with you many times following your facelift surgery in order to assess your healing and help you if you develop any of these uncommon complications.

Dr. Zakhary does not generally recommend having only a neck lift surgery without having a facelift surgery.

It is her professional opinion and experience that a nice and rejuvenated neck will not look good beside a sagging face and cheeks. Correcting a sagging neck while neglecting to correct a sagging face, will also create skin bunching around the ears, which is not generally desirable.

It is recommended to consider a facelift at the same time as a neck lift in order to have a beautiful, harmonious and natural looking result.

Face lift surgery will refresh your appearance by tightening and repositioning your facial muscles and skin to create more beautiful and youthful facial contours. It does not lift sagging eyebrows, remove excess upper eyelid skin or muscle, or replenish lost volume in your lips or cheeks. Other facial cosmetic plastic surgery procedures can further enhance and refresh your appearance by addressing these specific issues, including:

Forehead lift

Low eyebrows, whether caused by heredity or aging, can make you look tired and sad. Forehead lift surgery is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure that pulls up sagging low eyebrows and forehead a little bit, in a very natural looking way. The incisions are completely hidden behind your hairline! Forehead lift surgery often improves and lifts heavy upper eyelids and softens the forehead and frown wrinkles, as well as gives your face a softer, radiant and well refreshed appearance.

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Eyelid surgery refreshes sagging eyelids which can make you look tired or sad. Blepharoplasty surgery removes excess skin, muscle and fat from your upper or lower eyelids. The incisions for blepharoplasty surgery tiny and are completely hidden in your eyelid crease. Cosmetic Eyelid surgery can be performed at the same time as your facelift surgery in order to enhance your result and further refresh your appearance.

Lip Enhancement

As you age, your lips will become thinner.

Thin lips make you look older.

If you have thin lips, it would be a good idea to consider adding volume to your lips with lip filler injection, a few weeks following your facelift surgery. Dr. Zakhary will ensure that your lip filler result is very Natural looking, in order to harmonize your lips with your newly rejuvenated face and neck.

Double Chin Correction and Chin Implant Surgery

If you have a double chin, Dr. Zakhary can reduce this by performing liposuction of your chin and neck at the same time as your facelift surgery, through a tiny incision under your chin.

Sometimes, adding a chin implant to improve the strength of a weak chin will help to reduce the appearance of a double chin and jowls. Chin implant surgery can also be done at the same time as a facelift surgery.

Medical Skin Therapy and/or Laser Resurfacing

As you age, your skin will develop uneven texture and brown pigmentation. Medical skin care creams and laser resurfacing will improve the overall texture and colour of your skin, adding to your refreshed appearance.

Please call our Calgary office at 403-450-3759, to get a cost estimate for cosmetic facelift surgery. The cost of this surgery can vary depending on the cosmetic issues that need to be addressed, as well as the reputation of your facial plastic surgeon.

You can pay in installments, or alternatively, we can recommend a medical financing company that will help you to finance your surgery payment over 1 – 5 years.

Please feel welcome to call our office in Calgary, Alberta, at 403-450-3759 to speak with our friendly staff and book a consultation with Dr. Zakhary so that she can answer any of your questions about Face lift surgery in Calgary. Our priority is a Worry Free experience for you!